Are you tired of your Sticky Table?

Clean Table

Are you tired of Sticky Wood Tables?

Heirloom Essentials Furniture Polish, and Antibacterial Furniture & Glass Cleanser provides a great way to take care of your Family’s treasured Hardwood Furniture. These fine products are made by the same company that makes the Stains and Finishes for our Furniture. They have taken their years of experience and formulated a product that contains no Silicone, Wax or Ammonia… Which means it will not leave a film, waxy buildup or soften the Varnish on your furniture. Spotless Cleaner is used daily here in our store, to keep our Showcase “Spotless”. We use the Cleaner on a daily basis, and the Polish maybe once or twice a year. The Polish is available in many scents, so next time you are in our Store, be sure to pick up your own bottle of Spotless Cleaner, Polish, and a Micro Cloth. Or call us today, and we will send it directly to your doorstep…
Just mist, wipe and walk away, leaving your home smelling clean and delicious!

Excellent Furniture and Glass Cleaner
Excellent Furniture and Glass Cleaner

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